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Model Man Review

This is the Model Man review, this is a horse racing tipster on the Tipstrr website that offers profitable horse racing tips for its members.

Based on level stakes of £10, Model Man has made £12,505 profit in the last 12 months across 2386 multi-sport tips (roughly 46 tips per week), giving an average monthly profit of £1,042.

Why should you choose Model Man for your multi-sport tips?

Sophisticated Horse racing and sports betting models beating sports betting markets from a full-time professional gambler of 10 years.

How Profitable Is Model Man

Model Man has proven to be profitable over a long period of time as you can see by the results month by month below…

As you can see there have only been 4 losing months from 15, and the total profit is already over £13,000 in such a short time this is a fantastic achievement for a horse racing service.

Author Reviewer